Petrochemistry and oil refining are one of the main areas of work for PSC TAIF. The company began its activity on the market in 1995, then TAIF began to ship the first tens of thousands of tons of oil products for the needs of Tatarstan enterprises.
Considering the importance of further development of companies in the oil and gas and chemical sector, as well as realizing the prospects for the development of this area of activity, TAIF PSC takes an active part in the development and implementation of strategic programs for the development of companies in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries that are part of TAIF Group of Companies. Today, the potential of TAIF Group of Companies is focused on large-scale projects to modernize the petrochemical industry.

This is one of the most modern enterprises of the oil refining industry in Russia, which is of strategic importance for the development of the economy of Tatarstan, and is part of the Tatneft Group of Companies.
The mission of this company is to provide high-techeffective and environmentally friendly oil refining, as well as production of competitive liquid products as part of strengthening the vertical integration of the Tatneft Group of Companies.

PAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim
PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim — one of the largest petrochemical companies in Europe, occupies a leading position in the production of synthetic rubbers and plastics in the Russian Federation. Part of the TAIF Group of Companies. The main production facilities are located in Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan. The company was founded in 1967.
The company employs more than 15,000 people.
In the range of products—over a hundred titles. The basis of the product range is:
- synthetic rubbers for general and special purposes;
-plastics: polystyrene, polypropylene and polyethylene;
-monomers that are feedstock for the production of rubbers and plastics;
- other petrochemical products (ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, alpha-olefins, surfactants, etc.).
The company occupies a leading position among domestic producers of synthetic rubbers, plastics and ethylene.

Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas corporation in the world. The main activities of PJSC "NK "Rosneft" are the search and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, production of oil, gas, gas condensate, implementation of projects for the development of offshore fields, processing of extracted raw materials, sale of oil, gas and products of their processing in Russia and outside its borders.

PAOSIBURis the largest integrated gas processing and petrochemical company in Russia.
As of December 31, 2015SIBURproduced products at 26 production sites, the Company's client portfolio included more than 1,400 large consumers in the fuel and energy complex, automotive, construction, consumer sector, chemical and other industries in approximately 75 countries around the world, the total number of employees of the Group exceeded 27 thousand people.

JSC"GC"Tavrida Electric"
The company ranks second in the world in the production of vacuum circuit breakers.
Компания специализируется на разработке и производстве инновационной вакуумной коммутационной техники, интеллектуаль-ных аппаратов для автоматизации сетей и подстанций, алгоритмов защит и_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_distribution network automation, complete switchgears in voltage class up to 35_cc781905-5cde-3194-8d5b_v6d5b
The key priorities of the Tavrida Electric activity are a deep study of consumer problems and offering its customers an integrated approach based on unique technical solutions.

PAO ANCBashneft
PJSC ANK Bashneft is a dynamically developing Russian vertically integrated oil company. По итогам 2015 года компания занимает шестое место по объему добычи нефти и четвертое по объему первичной переработки среди нефтяных компаний России . Bashneft demonstrates stable financial results and stably high dividend payments.
«Башнефть» — одно из старейших предприятий нефтяной отрасли России — ведет добычу с 1932 года.

PJSC LUKOIL — is one of the largest vertically integrated oil and gas companies in the world, accounting for more than 2% of world oil production and about 1% of proven hydrocarbon reserves.
With a complete production cycle, the Company has full control over the entire production chain - from oil and gas production to the sale of petroleum products. More than 110 thousand people combine their efforts and talent to ensure the Company's leading position in the market.